Who's Idea Was It to Square Off Old School w/ Reichard?
Believe it or not, the invitation to go face to face in some type of man-off, was given to me by Acting Police Chief Peter Reichard himself and at the time I felt fortunate to be connected by only a phone line. Despite the common wisdom that members of groups seeking democracy and peace are the least likely to engage in fist fights, (see Edward Snowden's build) this one accepted the invite. I look forward to letting this career bully knock my teeth in or have his way, but it was time, after trying all other things to give in and allow his anger to reach me this way. And understand, I did not accept this offer because I want to fight another man or get that close and intimate with another sweaty being of my own gender, but because I'm left with only that choice, to square off with him to get something else that I want that is also rather old school. At least I hope that's part of the deal. I'm in either way now because after the State Attorney General's Office in Hartford turned a deaf ear to seven separate criminal issues yesterday, I realized that a resident vs. Police fist fight is the only way I can hope to get my State and Federal rights of a citizen back while living in this part of Connecticut. I'm looking for special privileges like being able to see charges filed against me, being allowed to view State's evidence in my case and learning the name of the officer that arrested me. And that's fair to lose a few teeth over. Or at least, that's how it is in the City of New London.
When I posted a more important question on the City of New London's Police Facebook page about an arrest without cause of a New London resident named, David Gun, Mr. Reichard who was apparently at his PC either in Guilford, CT, at Dudley farms or here at New London headquarters, banned my account from my community's police page, for life. That's fair. Mostly it's fair because the charge of asking a forbidden question, meaning one that displeases someone with a gun, did or did not in fact involve the selection of public defense attorney to defend me in Reichard's mental court, a jury selection process of Reichard's imaginary sock puppets, and the trial process itself, along with Reichard's imposition of my lifelong ban from speaking or being heard with the deletion of his awareness of a problem I pointed out, and any obligation he had to fix it, happened in an expedited fashion. From start to finish, Mr. Reichard's disposal of my Federal speech rights took less than 8 seconds by all estimates. Now there are plenty who would call someone who acted that way a wannabe dictator but I would simply cut off the "tator," and stop at the c. Name calling aside, I called the Mayor and got his secretary who indirectly made it clear enough that Mr. Reichard would be allowed to do whatever he liked, that it was perhaps some unspoken deal or arrangement that he had with Mr. Passero. Whatever she told me had the effect of indicating my request to have Federal speech rights back in New London would find its way to the nearest wastebasket. Two dicks, and another phone call, big deal. In fact, the notion of having been given free reign by our Mayor is not an opinion at all, it is more a matter of record found in Eastern Connecticut's local media. Have a look..
And here is an email from June 19, 2017
And here is an email from June 19, 2017
You are now endangering the welfare an innocent animal, my 3-yr old dog. Congratulations on taking lawlessness to that level, 'Captain Wright,' Chief Reichard, Mayor Passero.
And for the exact reasons you were informed of when I began politely begging you for this information weeks ago.. all on record. But I thank your Chief, Mr. Reichard and our Mayor, Mr. Passero more than I can thank you, because both superiors refused to compel you to abide by any rule of law other than their own ideas about what should benefit them the most. You know this is a divorce case and that my wife, Elizabeth, is dating, Ted Cox, the new legal name of a career low-level mafia, clinical sociopath out of NY who murdered an R.I. Judge, got off on felony assault charges, served 4 years, then went back on felony theft charges out of CT, met me when you threw me in there with him for God knows what, and then stole my dog after striking the fancy of my severely mentally ill wife. And how do we know that my soon to be x-wife is severely mentally ill gentlemen? You had your first ideas about this when she called 9-11, claimed ISIS was holding her hostage, received a second 9-11 call from me and found her running through downtown New London, trying to flee police still screaming about ISIS, with my dog, "Snuffy" then age 2, loose and nearby, off the leash and wandering the street. And I need that 9-11 call from you also to show the Judge that the article she carries with her, your article about me, gentlemen the one Journalists have already apologized for, yet remains online as "news," is not exactly what it seems. Is it, gentlemen? I need to get the arresting officer in there with instructions to bring tapes and witness reports, WHY? not to say "Gotcha!" not to gloat, only, meaning ONLY to get my dog back to safe living quarters and for no other reason at all.
As I wrote Captain Wright, Peter Reichard,, Mr. Mayor, I would ask for the evidence to be presented, your arresting officer explain there's a problem and that it is not with him, Followed by my statement to the Court, "No further questions." allowing the Judge to understand what is safest for an innocent animal. And we would be done. Done. That's it. So that my dog does not have to live with an child-like mentally ill invalid and the double felon murderer who stole him and keeps both wife and animal a Waterford tailor. My God. But that - that is more than you can be called upon to provide, I understand.
Because, as I learn, Mr. Mayor, that is not the business you're really in. Isn't that right, Mr. Reichard? There will be no name of the real Officer given will there? Mr. Tiernan is right that "The law does not apply." isn't he? Further, I can also expect no copy of the 9-11 calls, can I? And of course, Mr. Passero, you're ready to sit back and watch another being get hurt by the business you're in, isn't that correct? Isn't that written in every interaction we've had to date, only this time, it's not a person you harm, it's an innocent 3-yr old Golden Retriever, my dog. And so as I work into the night, not having slept again, all attentions focused upon your special needs as a decayed disreputable City of the past, I complete page 35 of what I imagined to stop at a 34 page civil claim. And who will pay this settlement for your behavior gentlemen, will you Mr Passero, Mr. Reichard?? No, you will turn me into the parasite you are, the money will come from those you prey on, and so in the end, it's you I become. Isn't it?
More sincerely than you could imagine,
J. Brand
If granted, the subpoena will have your name on it Peter. And if you need the face off or the fist fight you go on record asking me for on the 18th, leave the gun and the little pen on your desk, send an email that you're not going to write any more princess charges, and we're good. Because you're right, that's another way men solve things. Name the time and place and we'll do it that way too. But in either case, plan to be in Court.---
Sent with Mailtrack
10:42 AM
to mpassero, preichard, Brian
And understand if there is any possible way to just have my rights of a citizen back without having to face off with you like you demand, Mr. Reichard, I would much prefer that. I do not wish to fight anyone.
--- Next email Reichard has sent armed men to come banging on my door as I write this time ---
And the offer remains, you can do to as you wish in some type of physical confrontation, I will try to defend myself so long as your gun and tendency to create false charges are left squarely at your desk. And it's clear who will likely win, but so long as we get to the other side where we can appreciate and respect the well being of an innocent animal, it is well worth it to me Mr. Reichard. Let me demonstrate my thoughts on this, because a moment ago, your men were banging on my door. Read this article from last night please, you will find the link when I'm finished speaking. This is from the moments after I accepted your physical challenge and contacted the FBI for advice on what to do here. You will find some basic reflection on the psychology of standing up to a bully, even one as fearsome as yourself, Mr. Reichard, with your history of alleged threats including one to break the legs of a subordinate in New Haven for wearing white sneakers, your threat to arrest a journalist for asking questions that displeased you, and so on. No matter who, no matter where - a man must always accept the challenge of a bully and the reason for this is clear: To cave in as I have done since April, trying to avoid and find a way around your threat, only perpetuates and increases a bully's strength.
I need to add something here to this email after having sent it. Knowing that your response to my "yes" and willingness to have a fair fight with you, did not bring you to my door in a t-shirt without your gun, but instead brought a team of uniformed officers with murder tools banging on my windows and doors, I know something else about you as well. Firstly, the response is cowardly because it is the definition of a double cross in fact. I agreed to t-shirts and no guns, so that's not how you responded, is it? Interesting and not surprising. But more importantly, the writing I complimented in my last post, this new content I read at your WordPress collection of college essays, is original and very good, superb even, but it is not at all your writing. The handling of my acceptance for a fair fight and your request for such a thing to begin with, do not come from the particular individual you wrote those essays for you. How do I know? I am a former undergraduate English writing tutor and group teacher Mr. Reichard. You did not bully the author into writing those words for you to sign, you simply paid the author. I know what I see. If you want to shock me, site and write a paragraph on the topic of my choice, and allow me to read it. But I don't make such challenges. No one who is sure of the outcome pressures another like that. It's not your writing. This will be true for most if not all of your college writing assignments and should we look at your writing in class tests or later we see what you expect. I don't need to be shown. I come from teachers. Very good ones.
For you that strength is no strength at all but rather a lawless disregard for basic human ethics firstly. And in this case because of your unfortunate and I will suggest inappropriate role as a Police Officer, my caving to your April 18th demands for physical confrontation is a dysfunctional process that hurts a group and haunts your victims also. I am no longer haunted by you. It has likely or certainly been my fault for these months because my avoidance of coming face to face with you literally brings others into harms way and does so almost immediately. It resulted in a new threat to the well being of my golden retriever, an animal you must stop and consider and one that I will continue to stand up for, even if that means letting you confront me in the way that you wish to. No guns, no more false charges, no more false media reports, those continue to be my conditions. Educate yourself, Mr. Reichard. Not only about the limits and possible faults of your own psychology but also on the affects your behavior has on the people around you including the group as a whole. Think of what you have done to men like David Gun who sits in a prison cell on 50,000 bond, the sadness and utter despair you create on your regular tangents away from and outside of the law. Our law, not yours. That remains your most problematic lack of distinction. And when called out, you break further from the law, deviate much faster and farther from so as to escalate and overpower those who might call you out. I bear witness to this behavior in you and do not describe it this well by accident.
Understand my psychology of peace is common throughout this community and that we do not celebrate you at all to the extent that you believe or report around the web in self-reports. Take responsibility for frightening a good number of people with your words and behavior, with your departures from law that should have quite a few frequent flyer miles earned to date. Understand also that your behavior pressures journalists into doing things they are not comfortable with. Ask Journalist Macy Corica about this, speak with her but do not do so with commanding tones, use peace in your voice, clear your mind before you let words out. She and I spoke at length about you and you deprive yourself of important such perspectives but these perspectives are vital for anyone in your role.
Our community is like any other. We seek the same generational peace enjoyed by mammal species that do not yet craft weapons. It is a peace characterized by the equal distribution of influence among all members. No dolphin senators, elephant presidents etc. Equality. That difference between the power that comes from the fear a murder tool puts into those around you and the Authority that a doctor has based on knowledge alone - that is the peace you need to know better.
The community seeks safety, at time, many times, from you and others like yourself.
http://peter-reichard.blogspot.com/2017/06/fist-fight-w-police-chief-for.html [this URL]
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